INFO@HOPEAFRICAUNIVERSITY.ORG   |       MON - SAT: 7:30 - 18:00

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The idea of establishing a university by Free Methodist Churches in Africa, especially in central Africa came into people’s mind in 1980’s. Free Methodist Church Leaders realized that it was necessary to train the youth of the Church and the society in order to contribute to the establishment of competent leadership. Although Free Methodist Church established several higher education institutions in America, it has not been possible to help train Africans. It was a felt need to have a higher education institution in Africa to train hundreds and hundreds of young people in Theology and other academic and professional fields.
By the end of 1980’s and early 1990’s, the entire region of the Great Lakes was in trouble. Burundians fled to neighboring countries. Later, the Congolese followed the same path seeking exile from neighboring countries. Rwanda was not spared. Milliard citizens of these three countries were in a moving situation, unfortunate discouraging the Free Methodist Church to achieve its objective of establishing a university. For several years since, the whole idea of the University was suspended.